Developing your Capstone Project

A S.A.V.E. Program ‘Capstone Project’ is a unique opportunity to carry out your personal desire to create change, or work with others to do social impact for the city of Paris, or in your own personal neighborhood, or to attack a world-wide problem!



If you have volunteered and learned about Serve The City Paris (Workshop 1), and then if you have answered your “QURIOUS QUESTION”, (Workshop 2), it’s time to move to the next step of developing your own Capstone Project (workshop 3 & 4), or to work with others on a S.A.V.E. Program Capstone Project.



Through a creative process and guided framework, the S.A.V.E. program offers a volunteer the ability to work on your own social impact idea, OR collaborate with other volunteers on ideas for social impact, OR improve existing volunteer programs already offered at Serve The City Paris.  Every month at Serve the City, Capstone Projects are being developed in all shapes and sizes.  Currently, there are over 25+ different volunteer activities and events offered each month at Serve The City Paris.  All these activities, were originally created by S.A.V.E Program students and their Capstone projects.



S.A.V.E. Program participants are given a selection of 4 workshops each month to choose from, along with a selection of tools, exercises, feedback from others, case studies, and best practices to help create sustainable social impact initiatives.  You engage in discussions with other volunteers who have similar interests, values and ambitions.



The single most important outcome of participating in the S.A.V.E. program is that volunteers make change, or become better volunteers through reflection, collaboration and education on our current humanitarian and environmental challenges.



Here are examples of deliverables that can result from working on a Capstone Project…

  • Insights and findings resulting from open discussions around a current social issue.
  • The opportunity to share your thoughts and knowledge on social issues that affect our community.
  • The ability to bring a social impact idea or project to reality.
  • A personal assessment and reflection that helps answer the question about ‘finding purpose’ in career planning.



The final Capstone project can be as simple as a form of expression, such a video, a photo presentation, a painting, a song, a poem, a performance, a workshop or any type of expression.   Or, a Capstone Project can be more complex, …such as a new volunteer activity, a mobile app, a peaceful demonstration in Paris, an environmental protection initiative, an integration event, a sports event, or a fundraiser.



For work on a Capstone Project, a SAVE participant can receive a SAVE Certificate and Letter of Testimonial for work credit, school credit or for your CV (for job searching).  Big ideas that come out from the Capstone Projects may be publicized through our social media channels, and through over 100+ Serve the City International chapters worldwide.